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The Future Trend of Jewelry Packaging Design You Don’t Know

The differentiation of jewelry boxes is because brands need to design marketing packaging according to their own characteristics to cater to the market, guide consumption, and meet people’s material and aesthetic needs for commodities. According to the jewelry brand and the current consumption concept and the development of the trend, jewelry packaging will have various design trends. Do you know the future trends of these jewelry packaging designs?

01. Richer colors
At present, in addition to neutral or soft colors, more and more jewelry brands are trying to use bolder and more vibrant colors to bring visual impact. In order to form the brand’s exclusive image logo, establish the association space between the color and the brand.

 02. Distinctive styling packaging
At present, there are more and more packaging boxes of different shapes on the market attracting consumers. In addition to protecting jewelry, it is also necessary to highlight the brand’s culture or jewelry design. Conventional designs can no longer meet current needs.
03. Textured material packaging
Jewelry packaging design not only pays attention to visual impact but also pays attention to texture in touch. The textured material can feel his special touch when the customer touches it, and enhance the customer’s psychological value to the brand.
Jewelry packaging design combines the characteristics of the brand and jewelry design and is the result of the designer’s comprehensive consideration. Jewelry packaging design can improve consumers’ awareness of jewelry brands through unique positioning and conception, so as to increase sales and promote brands. Facing the trends and consumption changes at different times, jewelry packaging design needs to keep pace with the times. It can carry out brand-new positioning and planning of packaging, grasp the psychological needs of core target customers, and create your own brand cultural characteristics. , so as to improve your sales ability and turnover in daily sales.

Richpack jewelry packaging uses unlimited creative design to create a series of jewelry packaging that belongs to you, such as exclusive jewelry window props, jewelry props, and jewelry boxes, to create a unique brand visual image and a deeper potential value of the brand culture for you.

Post time: Apr-06-2022

Post time: Nov-10-2022